Saturday, August 07, 2004

In the News

In this article, an author reflects on a certain ephemeral media event and what it 'says about Britain' , when the question he should be asking is what does it say about our culture that an article as utterly lacking in intellectual or semantic content as his own can get published, nay, has become almost the norm. The only really worthy object of thought is not such pseudo-events, but the very framework which produces them. It goes without saying that the vast majority of today’s journalism situates itself pragmatically within that frame, and is thus articled to error before it hits the 'shift' button. Meanwhile, the system frantically produces differences and novelties and with hellish monotony.

Oh, and here's the strange case of a monkey injured by some of its own droppings.

(UPDATE: coincidentally, it seems the author of the 'ephemera' article above has a blog which makes vague allusive use of revolutionary iconography, further underlining a point I made in the 'No Pasaran' post. It also contains this on Chomsky's (supposedly) belated recognition of Iraqi opinion, which has the demerit of being simply false, as the most cursory of cursory searches will demonstrate - eg, this. )