p.s. Regarding an earlier post on an interview with Negri, if anyone's interested it turns out that the entire text of Negri's Empire is available online, here! Some of Johann Hari's alarmingly casual slurs ('old terrorist' etc) are dealt with here.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Homo Academicus
If any of you were wondering about my 'oblique and sceptical' relation to current academia, it partly has to do with issues touched on here, courtesy of here. It has to do with lots more besides, including some things, like the transformation of academics into bureaucrats, which are fairly recent developments, and and other things, such as the pitfalls of what Pierre Bourdieu (here, for example) calls 'Scholastic Reason', which I hope to post on in the future.
p.s. Regarding an earlier post on an interview with Negri, if anyone's interested it turns out that the entire text of Negri's Empire is available online, here! Some of Johann Hari's alarmingly casual slurs ('old terrorist' etc) are dealt with here.
p.s. Regarding an earlier post on an interview with Negri, if anyone's interested it turns out that the entire text of Negri's Empire is available online, here! Some of Johann Hari's alarmingly casual slurs ('old terrorist' etc) are dealt with here.