Thursday, May 12, 2005


A couple of Ranciere links:

Eleven Theses On Politics

The Thinking of Dissensus: Aesthetics and Politics

A Video Lecture

'It should be clear therefore that that there is politics when there is a disagreement about what is politics, when the boundary separating the political from the social or the public from the domestic is put into question. Politics is a way of re-partitioning the political from the non-political. This is why it generally occurs ‘out of place’, in a place which was not supposed to be political.'

note, incidentally, the conceptual doubling here: just as true art disturbs the boundaries between art and non-art, so politics questions the division between politics and the a-political. In both cases there is an obvious split and self-undoing between the first and second iteration of the concept in question. In the cases of both art and politics there is something that resists the very calcification into a fixed concept, cleaving the concept down the middle, separating it from its name.

Also, an ICA sponsored Zizek Lecture, May 18th.

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