Like the US Democrats, New Labour has taken classic questions about the distribution of wealth and regulation of the mighty out of political debate. The existing economic order is beyond question: it's just there as if it were the will of God.
Indeed, and isn't it just such questions that should be the starting point in discussing the current state of the Left?
Elsewhere, an interesting interview with Derrida, Seamus Heaney's tribute to Czeslaw Milosz, and an article on the Brazilian photographer Salgado - from whom comes this vertiginous snapshot of Hell:
May I also recommend this book on the 1973 military coup in Chile. "When they speak of the bombing of La Moneda Palace in Chile… you should know that this act is the equivalent of bombing the New York Public Library at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue during the work day." - José Yglesias, 1974, a year after the coup