Sunday, June 25, 2006

Free thought must be won by a historical anamnesis capable of revealing everything in thought which is the forgotten product of historical work (Bourdieu)


Anonymous said...

Has your blog been appearing and disappearing Marx, or did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

My posts keep disappea

Mark Bowles said...

The blog url was 'stolen' by someone/thing, I'm not sure how exactly. I contacted blogger and it was restored to me. Lenin and others seemed to think is was due to a "bot that's going round stealing people's websites", whatever that means. But anyway, all should now be well.

Anonymous said...

And you could write a little piece for us on how someone can steal something that isn't a thing? And who does it 'belong' to anyway?

Mark Bowles said...

on how someone can steal something that isn't a thing Well, if Lenin is right that it was a 'bot' - which I take to be some kind of program/robot - then it wasn't exactly a 'someone' who stole it, so the question would have to be whether a someone who wan't a someone could steal a thing that wasn't a thing..

Anonymous said...

"bot" is short for "software robot", aka "autonomous agent", aka "agent".

An important, but much overlooked question, is on the nature of responsibility in computer systems. If a bot did something (eg, stole your blog site), is the bot responsible or its programmer(s)? If the bot was not intended to steal by its programmer, but did so due to a program bug, is the programmer still responsible for the bot's action? What if the bad behaviour resulted from some evolutionary code (code which evolves), is the original programmer still responsible for the bot's actions? What if the bot's unintended action only arose because of some software bug (or even some non-bug) in the software of the site? What if the unintended action of the bot arose from some complex interaction between its behaviour and that of other bots, written by other programmers? What if that complex interaction arose years (maybe, even decades) later, when the first bot's programmer was no longer even alive? What if the unintended action only arose because of the context of execution of the bot, over which the bot programmer had no knowledge or control? (Example in recent times: the Y2K bug).

Matt Christie said...

Only tangentially related...I did manage to pull most of the now-disappeared Young Hegelian from the google cache, should anyone be interested.