Sunday, July 25, 2004

Symbolic Ordure

"The intellectuals, the lackeys of capital, who think they're the brains of the nation. In fact they're not its brains, they're its shit."

(Lenin,  Letter to Gorky, Sptember 15th, 1919.)

For some reason I was reminded of this quote after reading Oliver Kamm's  attack on the mighty SWP.

Just to be clear, I do regard Lenin's comment as having intellectual - and not merely scatalogical - content. The point, presumably, is that intellectuals entertain the illusion that they are in the engine room of society (and that ideas precede and determine social organisation). The truth is that they are (more often) a kind of inessential by-product, spontaneously secreted, as it were, by the social machinery, but misrecognising themselves as the very fuel by which it runs.