Saturday, April 29, 2006

To argue is already to lose

Added to notes on rhetoric:

To argue is to lose The very fact that your opponents argue against you is the best evidence against them. It means that your post has 'upset quite a few people', 'got a few people quite agitated,' 'got under their skin' etc They have not made an argument but had a tantrum, they are not making reasoned points but ‘throwing their toys out of the pram’. As in Freudian theory, so in blog rhetoric, to argue or contest only confirms your guilt. (see also: 'always psychologize', 'Emotion', 'Raw Nerve' and 'Goaded'.).


Anonymous said...

What would you say (think) if I were to tell you that as far as I personally am concerned, there's actually some truth in this piece of rhetorics wisdom. It's sort of a game I play, and even though I remain aware of its being a game all through the discussion, I still can't help slipping into that mood where everything that is said and all counter-arguments assume a life-and-death significance. So there!

Mark Bowles said...

I'd say: 'wow, I seem to have touched a raw nerve'.

Seriously, tho, yes, the fact that you recognise it's a game doesn't stop you being invested in it. And because it's virtual (and often anonymous) there's no real repercussions/ payback, which means you can indeed get worked up in a way you couldn't in 'real life'. Half of these bilious blog rhetoricians are probably just humble unassuming librarians or proofreaders by day. The comments boxes are their virtual fight club, where they can act out their petty frustrations and beefs. not refering to you in particular, needless to say, Dan.