Wednesday, June 15, 2005

enemies of liberal democracy

Here is a document from 1966 in which pro-third-world anti-American lefties attempt to apply to the United States strictures they fail to apply to far worst regimes elsewhere in the world. Their selective attacks on a liberal-democratic polity and their unwillingness to confront the crimes of others show the deterioration of the left, and its lamentable failure to adhere to liberal democratic values…. The self-appointed ‘tribunal’ insists on judging the foreign policy of a democratic polity just as it would judge any other polity, reflecting thereby its inability to discriminate between enlightened democratic regimes and oppressive quasi-fascistic ones.
And speaking of tribunals, hereis someone who has arrived at the tribunal of Reason armed only with some trite and infantile scribblings, and lewdly and artlessly revealed his befuddlement and lack of knowledge to the world. (Learn, among other things, how Leo Strauss's mentor Martin Heidegger was a 'post-modernist' and 'hero of the left'.)

This bloke in't pub other night argued as follows:

Now see this is how it works: true democratic subjects, yes, ceaselessly question and hold to account their own ‘polity’ and its allies, on account of the fact that this ‘polity’ is accountable to them; that’s what democracy entails, see. Meanwhile others, who have failed to comprehend this, will ceaselessly urge you to concentrate your attention on other regimes which are not accountable to you and over which your influence is zero or at 29 removes. For them, liberal democracy is about ritual impotent cursing directed at tyrannical third world regimes - not so as to effect change in those regimes but so as, by contrast, to exculpate one’s own.

Fair point bloke in't pub.

nb, rescued from an obscure mineshaft of comments
about Thomas Jefferson, this brilliant gem: '"does his [TJ's] injustice and malfeasance match up at all against nazis, stalinists, maoists, the french bourbons, Bonaparte, jacobins, bolsheviks, brit. aristos, muslims etc.?" What next - 'those who condemned Contra atrocities had suspiciously little to say about the far worse crimes of Ghengis Khan'.

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