Friday, November 05, 2004

Letter from Lilliput

Over at Olio A. Ginous's blog, Lilliput, the following post:

The 'liberal-left,' that nefarious and spectral entity, have once again been showing themselves up, this time by responding with shameless chagrin to the re-election of George W. Bush. Their cries of "how could so many people have been so wrong" reveal undisguised contempt for American democracy. Why can these people not punctually recognise their errors or, assuming they have genuine objections to Bush (as opposed to mere histrionic posturing) muffle these genuine beliefs when the 'majority' decision comes through. Needless to say, the moral failure of the Liberal Left can be gauged by this nonsensical letter received from a nameless correspondent:

"In general those alleging this contempt for the People are the same ones who showed no such deference toward public opinion when it came to the majority of Europe objecting to the war in Iraq and their governments' participation therein. No. These anti-war protesters had no moral case whatsoever, were a disgrace to the Left adn [sic!!] so on, despite their millions. Their numbers counted for nothing. Thus, their governments could ignore them with impunity, as in, for example - 'Washington scolded German Prime Minister Gerhard Schröder, a democratically elected leader, for maintaining an anti-war stance supported by the large majority of Germans. In Turkey, according to opinion polls, 94 percent of the people are opposed to allowing U.S. troops in their country for the war.' So, had the people whose governments went to war in their name been allowed to vote on it, or had indeed the governments taken seriously popular opinion, these pro-war people would doubtless have responded 'how could so many people have been so wrong', logically as it happens, from their point of view".

Another reader writes, this time not bothering to disguise his demotic hostility:

“Yes, I called Bush a chimp – it’s called satire you humorless prick. Like all ex-leftists you turn on your ex-comrades with Oedipal hatred, for you have to deny the very possibility of a genuine and principled left, otherwise your [sic!!] flooded with the self-reproach of the turncoat.”
